Getting snipped would be the last item on most men’s bucket lists. The concept of getting surgery down there is a common practice. More men are opting for this method of birth control.

While the practice of vasectomy developed in the 1950s, fish and animal intestines have already been in use as the first materials for condoms in the 1600s. Since then, physicians have developed a more effective and permanent method of male contraception.

Fast forwarding to the 21st century, the vasectomy has developed into simple outpatient surgery that can be performed in a doctor’s office or clinic. The procedure takes less than ten minutes and the patient has the option to choose between an incision and no-scalpel method.

No-scalpel methods have a lower risk of infections and complications, and don’t take long to heal.

The House Bill 2103 (HB 2103) that passed the Oregon House in March of 2017 aims to authorize NPs to perform vasectomies, and provide wider access for men who want a vasectomy. Additional in-depth training in order for NPs to perform vasectomies is also included in the bill. According to a Planned Parenthood spokesperson stated that the waiting list for men wanting a vasectomy reaches nearly 100. This way, it would remove the boundaries on NPs performing the surgery and allow the Board of Nursing to control their competency.

A vasectomy is usually performed by urologists. Nurse practitioners in some states who have special on-the-job training have already been allowed to perform the procedure.

States such as Washington and Alaska, for instance have NPs performing vasectomies. These procedures are usually performed in Planned Parenthood or US Public Health service facilities, whereas other NPs performing vasectomies under a urologist’s supervision.

There is still discrepancy on the topic and mixed feelings from a number of citizens about this shift to NPs performing vasectomy. A number of citizens and urologists are concerned with this idea, questioning the safety of vasectomies performed by non-surgeons.

Some lobbyist stated that “Vasectomies are not qualitatively different from many other procedures NPs perform regularly.”

Considering that vasectomies are minor surgeries, more NPs want to be given the same entitlement of performing the procedure.

Contraception has evolved through the centuries. From using animal skin as makeshift condoms, to safer and more effective methods. Allowing NPs in all states to perform a vasectomy is still under debate but it shows the open possibilities of its possibility.  Having an open outlook on whether or not NPs should be allowed to perform vasectomies will open up opportunities for medical advancements in this field.

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Melody Rolluda

Melody is one of the Story Writers at Xilium. Being part of the Marketing Team by day, she is in charge of writing blog posts and articles, and being a dreamer by night, she likes working on a novel she dreams of publishing one day. She also loves to dip her hands in music drawing, and sticking her head in the clouds whenever she can.
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